This is focused on users who see the VT (Virtual Terminal) constantly and are tired of seeing the black background with saturated colors. These users can see their favorite color scheme instead
Add the generated text as a kernel parameter. The method may vary depending on the bootloader., for example, for GRUB open
/etc/default/gruband look for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, next, append the generated text at the end to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX string, and finally do
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfgFor more information, you can refer to
In that case, you're limited to see the colorscheme only when you login on your shell, for example, using:
printf "\033]P02a2a2a"or
echo -en "\e]P02a2a2a"Would you like to generate a list of commands? (you need to add the list on your shell rc file (.bashrc on bash))